Select Publications
Estabrook ID, Thiam HR, Piel M, Hawkins RJ.; Calculation of the force field required for nucleus deformation during cell migration through constrictions. PLoS Comput Biol. PMID: 34029312
Thiam H.R., Wong S.L., Qiu R., Kittisopikul M., Vahabikashi A., Goldman A.E., Goldman R.D., Wagner D.D., Waterman C.M; Reply to Liu: The disassembly of the actin cytoskeleton is an early event during NETosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. PMID: 32943583.
Thiam HR, Wong SL, Wagner DD, Waterman CM.; Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. PMID: 32663035.
Thiam HR*, Wong SL*, Qiu R, Kittisopikul M, Vahabikashi A, Goldman AE, Goldman RD, Wagner DD*, Waterman CM*. NETosis proceeds by cytoskeleton and endomembrane disassembly and PAD4-mediated chromatin decondensation and nuclear envelope rupture. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. PMID: 32170015.
Sáez PJ, Barbier L, Attia R, Thiam HR, Piel M, Vargas P. Leukocyte Migration and Deformation in Collagen Gels and Microfabricated Constrictions; Methods Mol Biol. PMID: 29526010.
Raab M, Gentili M, de Belly H, Thiam HR, Vargas P, Jimenez AJ, Lautenschlaeger F, Voituriez R, Lennon-Duménil AM, Manel N, Piel M. ESCRT III repairs nuclear envelope ruptures during cell migration to limit DNA damage and cell death; Science 352(6283):359-62. PMID: 27013426.
H.R Thiam, P. Vargas, N. Carpi, C.L. Crespo, M. Raab, E. Terriac, Megan C. King, J. Jacobelli, A.S. Alberts, T. Stradal, A-M. Lennon-Dumenil, M. Piel. Perinuclear Arp2/3-driven actin polymerization enables nuclear deformation to facilitate cell migration through complex environments; Nat. Commun. 7:10997. PMID: 26975831
Vargas P, Chabaud M, Thiam HR, Lankar D, Piel M, Lennon-Dumenil AM. Study of dendritic cell migration using micro-fabrication.; J Immunol Methods 432:30-4. PMID: 26684937
Pablo Vargas, Paolo Maiuri, Marine Bretou, Pablo J. Sáez, Paolo Pierobon, Mathieu Maurin, Mélanie Chabaud, Danielle Lankar, Dorian Obino, Emmanuel Terriac, Matthew Raab, Hawa-Racine Thiam, Thomas Brocker, Susan M. Kitchen-Goosen, Arthur S. Alberts, Praveen Sunareni, Sheng Xia, Rong Li, Raphael Voituriez, Matthieu Piel and Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil. Innate control of actin nucleation determines two distinct migration behaviours in dendritic cells; Nat. Cell Biol. 18(1):43-53. PMID: 26641718.
D. Aubry, H. Thiam, M. Piel, R. Allena. A computational mechanics approach to assess the link between cell morphology and forces during confined migration; Biomech Model Mechanobiol. 14(1):143-57. PMID: 24895016.
Maiuri P, Rupprecht JF, Wieser S, Ruprecht V, Bénichou O, Carpi N, Coppey M, De Beco S, Gov N, Heisenberg CP, Lage Crespo C, Lautenschlaeger F, Le Berre M, Lennon-Dumenil AM, Raab M, Thiam HR, Piel M, Sixt M, Voituriez R. Actin flows mediate a universal coupling between cell speed and cell persistence; Cell 161(2):374-86. PMID: 25799384.
Allena R, Thiam H, Piel M, Aubry D. A mechanical model to investigate the role of the nucleus during confined cell migration; Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 18 Suppl 1:1868-9. PMID: 26259853.